- GitHub Copilot
- GitLens
- Code Runner
- Better Comments
- Rainbow CSV
- LaTeX Workshop
- Markdown All in One
- Stata Enhanced with stataRun
- Live Share Extension Pack
- Remote Development Extension Pack
- Python with Ruff
- Better Solarized (theme)
Code editor: Visual Studio Code
Digital notes, LaTeX ready out of the box: Obsidian
Dark Mode for all web browsing: Dark Reader
Flexible, manual, time tracking (free for personal use): Toggl Track
Flexible flashcards to learn anything: Anki
Color-blindness simulator: Coblis
Password manager: BitWarden, an open-source software—the free version is very good, better than alternatives (which spend more on advertisement), and the paid version is $10/year
So that appendix slides do not count towards the total slide number: appendixnumberbeamer
Make hyper-references back from bibliography to citation: backref
A TikZ GUI tool for simple TikZ graphs and string diagrams: TikZiT
An interesting customizable Beamer theme that is a good starting point to build your own themes: Torino theme
Super fast data.table
(data managing package) to Stata translation and cheatsheet
Super fast fixest
(R regressions package) to Stata translation
A comprehensive machine learning framework which utilizes native parallelization and fast data.table
: mlr3
Set up custom fonts for your R figures: showtext
Combining R figures: patchwork
Stata: Want to see which packages are “hot” (popular)? ssc hot
New (or newly updated)? ssc new
MacOS package manager: Homebrew
MacOS configuration files (dotfiles): A popular dotfile collection
Git dotfiles synchronizer (across machines): Homeshick